In any given year, there will be areas of a building or house that are considered accident-prone. The word "sha" means negative influence. A "sha" can be something that offends any of the senses, such as something that you do not like to see, hear, smell, or feel. This is a partially subjective part of feng shui, but some things would be universally considered bad. The smell of something rancid is not going to be good for anyone. The sight of something broken down and ruined will not be pleasant for anyone.
The construction "sha" implies that during actual demolition or remodel, that whole area is precarious and accident-prone. The problems areas shift from year to year in different directions. There is a potential for something to go wrong if you were to remodel that section of your house or lot. There is also a potential to be effected adversely if the construction is going on very close to you, in the bad direction.
As an example, in 1999 there were two bad "sha" areas. One was in the South and the other in East. If you had a house torn down and a condominium being built on your street and it was aligned with the East section of your house, that could cause problems for you--and/or aggravate the East sector of your own house. If you were to remodel your own south quadrant (bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom as examples), then there would be a potential for things to go wrong. Why?
To tamper with the precarious direction is to initiate a change in a bad time cycle, with long lasting results. And in the immediate environment it is simply prone to accidents or delays.
We all know that construction is not the most pleasant thing to be around. It grates on our nerves with everything being so noisy, disheveled and dirty. And when it is occurring in our own home, there can be a whole host of inconveniences.
What's the remedy for the construction sha?
? Plan A is to avoid it altogether, post-pone it until the following year.
? If there is no way to post-pone it, or if it is out of your control (like a building on your street),
Then you must try to place METAL between you (your space) and the construction.
(Like a barrier, to absorb the precarious vibrations.)
? Stick a big copper pipe in the ground outside your house between you and the construction.
? Hang a wind chime from your roof, also aligned with the construction.
(This by the way, is one of the rare times that I recommend a wind chime.)
? Try to also buffer yourself from the sight and sound of it.
? Make sure that the area of your own house that could be affected, is properly remedied so that the construction sha does not bring out the worst in that area. As an example:
The direction of South is associated with the eyes and heart. If there is a construction sha
aligned with your south sector, it could contribute to YOU having problems with those parts of your body.
? For a commercial building, working in the accident-prone direction can cause delays, accidents, or fires in that very area. If there is a way to place a metal rod in the ground that will not get in the way of the construction, that is highly recommended to absorb the "sha" coming from that direction.
Kartar Diamond is the owner of Feng Shui Solutions, a full scale consultancy which has been helping thousands of people since 1992. Kartar offers teleseminars and ebooks through her website and she is also the author of three trade paperbacks: Feng Shui for Skeptics, The Feng Shui Matrix, and The Feng Shui Continuum.
Visit Kartar Diamond's website at for more information about world-wide consulting and her free monthly e-newsletter, as well as the FREE REPORT 99 Things You should Know About Your House.
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