Thursday, January 6, 2011

e-Learning Lab » ScandEL seminar in Oslo

Invitation to the next ScandEL seminar in Oslo, March 2nd: 9 – 17  -  March 3rd: 9 – 13.

Theme of the seminar

Teaching Problem-based Learning in Virtual Learning Environments: Scaffolding Critical Reflection


InterMedia, on behalf of the Nordforsk Network “Teaching Problem-based Learning in Virtual Learning Environments,” a network coordinated by the University of Aalborg, Denmark and with participants from four Nordic countries.

Professor Anders M?rch (InterMedia)
Administrative coordinator: Kari-Anne Ulfsnes


Professor Gerhard Fischer (University of Colorado, Boulder), Dr. Anders Kluge (InterMedia), Dr. Ingeborg Krange (InterMedia), possibly one more from IME, Professor Anders M?rch (InterMedia)

Seminar room 10 in Oslo Research Park and/or Infra, InterMedia. Both rooms are in bldg. 2 of research park (map)

Subject outline

The course will cover three themes:

Theme 1: Virtual learning environments (VLE)
Theme 2: Pedagogical scaffolding in VLEs
Theme 3: Scaffolding critical reflection

The themes are exemplifed by ongoing research and review of past reseach (see literature list below). By scaffolding we mean to  provide help, advice, critique, or guidance to learners as they work on tasks and towards common goals in virtual learning environments. It also means to fade away as the learners become more capable to work on their own (i.e. demonstrate independent effort). Scaffolding is accomplished by agents who stand in certain relationships with the learner: Teacher, online instructor, team member, co-learner and even software programs (avatar, agent, critic, etc.) are examples. Scaffolding critical reflection is a timely topic in ICT and learning as it adresses both pedagogical and technical issues at a level of abstraction that do not require a formal technical background, yet it provides technological insight. From a technologival point of view the seminar is about pedagogical models and design options that take advantage of the opportunities and constraints of virtual learning environments. From a pedagogical perspective it is about methods for analyzing data to asses the level of sophisticalion of critical reflection.

The seminar is organized as a combination of presentation of research and critical discussion. It is research carried out at the University of Colorado and the University of Oslo that is profiled on the first day. These presentations are meant to serve as seeds for discussion about the theoretical, methodological and design-oriented assumptions of pedagogical scaffolding in VLEs. On the second day, the particpants present their own research and are encouraged to argue for or criticize specific features of pedagocial scaffolding, or to show instances of interacton that demonstrate aspects of scaffolding and/or challenge previous research and warrant new research.

Learning outcomes

The participants become familiarized with a new perspective on an important topic in the intersection of ICT and learning. For full benefit, active participation is required.


12 hours


2 ECTS with paper.
1 ECTS without paper.
A course diploma will not be issued if the student attends to less than 80% of the course.

Work format

Open lectures, seminars, paper presentations, and groupwork.
Conditions for participation

For PhD participants who are part of the Nordforsk network, participation with paper is mandatory. External PhD participants may participate with or without paper. Abstract of paper must be submitted by February 21th, so that it can be distributed to readers in due time for preparation. Each presenter presents his/her work in about 5-10 minutes, which is followed by 5-10 minute discussion (the actual time is dependent on the number of participants who enroll).  For 2 ECTS a 4-6 page full paper must be submitted after the course, but not later than April 1st.

Submit abstracts and papers to Kari-Anne Ulfsnes, as PDF.





In advance

Read the recommended  literature (see below).


Registration deadline: February 1th
Please registrer at the course online registration form.


Enrolled in PhD program at Nordic university in educational sciences or applied informatics.


First day: InterMedia presentations (before lunch) and presentation by Gerhard Fischer (after lunch), interspersed with plenum discussion and group work

Second day: Paper presentations. More details wil be provided later.


* Davis, E.A. and Miyake, N. (2004). Scaffolding, A Special Issue of the Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13(3). Two articles.
* Fischer, G., Lemke, A.C., Mastaglio, T. and M?rch, A.I. (1991). The role of critiquing in cooperative problem solving. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 9(2), 123-151.
* Furberg, A. (2009). Socio-Cultural Aspects of Prompting Student Reflection in Web-Based Inquiry Learning Environments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25(4), 397-409.
* Kluge A., & Bakken S. (2010). Simulation As Science Discovery: Ways of Interactive Meaning-Making. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 5(3), pp.
* Sch?n, D.A. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. Basic Books, New York, NY. Two chapters.
* Wood, D., Bruner, J.S. & Ross, G. (1976). The role of tutoring in problem solving. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 17, 89-100.
* Plus a few project specific articles.

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